Wednesday, December 14, 2011


He's home!!!!!!!  After 5 intense weeks, 2 ambulance journeys, 3 hospitals, rivers of tears, and more tests and procedures than we can begin to count, Andrew is finally home. He's still weak and his immunity is very low (so unfortunately no visitors yet), but the doctors finally felt he was well enough to be discharged.  What an emotional and wonderful day!

Friday morning we will meet with our doctor at his office for blood work, and to schedule the next round of chemo.

Heartfelt thanks for all of the wonderful cards, messages, phone calls, food, and love!  We are so thankful for such support and affection!!



  1. I am so happy I could cry!!! I hope that a few nights of sleep in his own bed will build him up for round 2. I hope that you had the best family night ever tonight in you own home ALL TOGETHER,

    Xoxoxoxoxoxo Auntie Jillo

  2. YAY!!! We are so happy he is home! Such wonderful news.

  3. Fanastic news! - great to hear he is back home.

  4. What a gift. Love to you Jay and your beautiful family. Linda, thank you for sharing your progress in such a personal and loving manner.
    It's said that attitude wins the battle. You two are champions. Special love, thoughts and prayers to all the McTs.
    Jane aka Hane, Mrs Smith
